This weekly curated newsletter is a home for Christ followers serious about more effectively grasping why they believe what they believe, and honing their skills sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.
You’re in the right place if any of these describe you:
You’ve rarely if ever actually shared the gospel.
Know you love God, but feel the urge to be silent or talk about anything but God every time you feel like you are in a conversation where you can share the good news.
You can’t think of a good way to start a conversation about God.
Even if you did start a conversation about God, you’re scared to death you won’t know how to respond if someone asks you a hard question.
Deep down, you worry that if you did start talking about your faith, non-Christians would poke so many holes in it, that it would be you being convinced Christianity isn’t true.
Though you believe in God, you don’t feel like you know enough about why you believe what you believe, to defend your faith adequately.
You’re no scientist or historian. Since it seems like so few of them believe in Christianity, if you really knew more about history or science related to the Bible or how we got here, you fear deep down your faith might crumble, though you’d never admit that to your church-going friends.
You are secretly concerned that perhaps we’re just misinterpreting the Bible on various topics in the same way slave owners or segregationists used verses to condone what Christ followers now strongly oppose.
If any of those sound like how you’re feeling, please sign up for my free, weekly newsletter where I sift through blog posts, podcasts and online videos from experts, and then provide you summaries of the most relevant, recent and useful information I’ve gleaned, along with links to those resources. My goal is to help bolster your own belief in Christ, and help you share the good news early and often with the people God sends your way. Our goal is to help them believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus is in fact who the Bible says he is, and we should want to follow him all of our days on earth.